English will teach all pupils the necessary language skills to read, write, speak and listen fluently so they are able to acquire the confidence to fully participate as a successful member of society.

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11

By the end of the year, pupils will be able to show inference, express an opinion about what is read and use the Point, Evidence Explain model to show their understanding.

By the end of the year, pupils will be able to explore writers’ ideas and comment on how they are conveyed, making use of textual references. Writing will be sequenced and into paragraphs which vary in length and are linked for effect.

By the end of the year, pupils will be able to identify relevant evidence and comment on the writer’s choice of language to create effect. They will recognize subject specific analytical techniques like metaphor, genre and symbolism. They will start to develop a more ambitious vocabulary.

KS4 pupils will follow the Eduqas syllabus covering both Language and Literature. By the end of the year, pupils will be able to explore writers’ ideas and comment on how they are conveyed, making comments on theme, language and structure. They will select and explain textual references and infer meaning. Writing will be sequenced and shaped to suit a variety of transactional tasks.

KS4 pupils will follow the Eduqas syllabus covering both Language and Literature. By the end of the year, pupils will be able to evaluate how writers achieve effects by commenting on language and structure. They will identify, select and explain information and ideas. Writing will be ambitious highlighting their ability to adapt their written ideas to a range of forms demonstrating purpose, audience and tone.